Ferienwohnungen Sunnwies _ Bodenmais

Junior Suite

Max. Guests
4 Guests
Booking Nights
2 Min.
Bed Type
50 m²

Maecenas bibendum ante eget ligula elementum pretium. Vivamus justo eros, pellentesque sed convallis posuere, efficitur sit amet orci. Aliquam molestie urna in elit vulputate, quis eleifend enim auctor. Praesent ac dui cursus, condimentum est at, tincidunt augue. Praesent eu nulla quis tellus maximus faucibus a vitae nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi nec justo eget augue maximus bibendum. Fusce rutrum tellus et tellus bibendum volutpat. Maecenas ut justo condimentum, egestas est sed, fringilla justo. Etiam pretium ornare lacus a hendrerit. Praesent fringilla magna lacus, vulputate fringilla tellus finibus at. Maecenas mollis efficitur purus, lobortis dignissim urna sollicitudin ut. In eget congue elit. Maecenas euismod leo et tortor convallis, id semper ante fringilla. Morbi condimentum, sapien non ullamcorper maximus, libero dolor mollis ligula, sed pharetra arcu leo condimentum ante. Nullam hendrerit lorem quam, sit amet cursus dolor hendrerit pulvinar.

Sed pretium tristique arcu nec feugiat. Vestibulum massa dolor, fringilla eu lobortis nec, volutpat viverra tortor. Ut lacinia ipsum ligula, vitae pellentesque lectus tincidunt ut. Vestibulum quis tincidunt ligula. Pellentesque a ex malesuada, pellentesque nunc et, semper sapien. Praesent efficitur velit ac magna mollis, tempor scelerisque nulla porta. Mauris scelerisque augue at magna blandit, in condimentum orci eleifend. Nullam eget dapibus risus.

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Junior Suite
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Room Availability

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  • Not Available

Room Reviews

Emily Hill - Rome / Italy

I've been staying at this hotel for the past few years and it's the best place I ever stayed. The staff is friendly, and I am left impressed with their cleanliness.


Kent Lambert - Berlin / Germany

I have always loved staying at the Himara hotel. They have the best beds and their staff is always friendly and professional. I have never had a bad experience here.